Christmas with The Body Shop: The Feel So Good Christmas Wonderland event!

The Body Shop Feels So Good Christmas Wonderland Event

With the cold nights drawing in and Christmas just around the corner, I love nothing more than unwinding after a long day with a hot shower, slathering on some luxurious body butter and hopping into my pj’s.

Luxurious bath and body care products don’t have to cost the earth however and one of the best spots around on the high street for adding a luxurious veil of silk to the skin is The Body Shop!

A year round favourite, I particularly look forward to getting something from The Body Shop at Christmastime, be it a deluxe gift set, a favourite Body Butter or a limited edition scent, receiving something from The Body Shop at Christmas, always goes down a treat.

The Event: The Body Shop’s Feel So Good Christmas Wonderland Event.

The Date: Thursday, November 5th 2015.

The Location: The Body Shop, Grafton Street, Dublin.

The evening saw me finish up at the final day of Web Summit, head straight for Dublin town centre and stopping off for a quick freshen up before attending the launch of The Body Shop’s Christmas Collection. The excitement!


Upon entering the venue guests were greeted with frosted plum pudding cake pops, cupcakes prosecco and a room beautifully laid out with a myriad of festive looking gift sets, limited edition products and old faves from The Body Shop, vying for our attention!



My eye went straight to this black box with red ribbon. An adorable gift set box, what girl doesn’t like something wrapped in a bow? I’d love opening this Christmas morning to a burst of scent-sational goodies from The Body Shop!



Every Christmas The Body Shop partner with a charity and this year sees the Body Shop partner with Water Aid who provide access to safe drinking water. The Body Shop will provide a family in Ethiopia with a day’s worth of water with every gift set purchased this Christmas. Is there anything better than giving back or paying it forward, especially at Christmas-time?!


Showcased on the night were seasonal scents such as Cranberry, Frosted Plum and Glazed Apple. Gift sets were in abundance in the new ranges Oils of The World, Voyage and Spa of the World, as well as long-standing favourites available such as Coconut and newer scents such as Wild Argan Oil all calling our names! Also released are some seasonal limited edition make-up releases and candlesloving the candles by the way, great addition to the collection.









Lorna Duffy, Damien Broderick and I having a little selfie fun at the event.

Tell me, what beauty and body-care products are on your Christmas list? Are you after anything from The Body Shop?!

Huge thanks goes to The Body Shop and Revolve PR for the invitation to a festive evening of indulgence, not forgetting charity.

As always, thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet world guys, always appreciated!

Gail. xx

P.S. For all you nail art lovers out there – YouTube sensation and fellow blogger Estée LaLonde has collaborated with The Body Shop in the UK and has come out with her own nail art kit for the same causeWateraid! Another reason to check out this Christmas campaign from The Body Shop!

I recently met Estée at Web Summit (check us out on her Web Summit vlogs, IRELAND IS FANTASTIC & FEELING THE IRISH LOVE) and we hit it off she’s exactly how she is on camera – a doll. If you haven’t checked her out already, do it NOW!

Learn more about the significance of this Charity Partnership with Wateraid and don’t forget to tag me on Twitter @DublinGail and Instagram: @littlegforce with your purchases!

Photography: © Gail O’Connor.
Selfie image: courtesy of Lorna Duffy of Fashion Boss Blog.


BEAUTY ALERT! The Debenhams Beauty Christmas – Press Preview! #DebsBeautyBuzz

Debenhams Christmas Beauty Press Preview 2015

Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015 #DebsBeautyBuzz

A Winter Wonderland…of Beauty!

With the Christmas festivities right around the corner, (yes folks I said the C word), the stores are prepping for the unveiling of their Christmas releases.

That said, can you imagine my excitement when an invitation hit my inbox, to preview some exciting new beauty releases just in time for the upcoming festive shopping period?!

The Event:

The Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview. #DebsBeautyBuzz

The Date:
Wednesday October 20th 2015.

The Location: The Pillar Room, Rotunda, Dublin.

Debenhams went all out with the Winter Wonderland theme. Warm, welcoming hues came from the rooms decor and the candlelight flickered and danced around the room. What Winter Wonderland would be complete without an ‘icy feel‘? This came courtesy of blue lighting which softly illuminated the room from white feathered lamps and strategic ceiling lighting. All the while Michael Bublé crooned and Christmas tunes swelled from the sound system.

Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015

Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015

Prosecco flowed and glimmers of sparkle came from an array of silver glitter balls which adorned the room adding to the Winter Wonderland theme.

The scene was set and the Christmas cheer was in abundance!

Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015

Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015

Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015

The Products:

Awaiting guests perusal was a plethora of offerings from various brands, spaciously and beautifully showcased all conveniently located under one roof – Debenhams.

Emma Hardie skincare #DebsBeautyBuzz Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015.

YSL was well represented with fragrance, make-up and skin care offerings!

Just look at the colours of these lipsticks! Each one…stunning. The ‘kiss’ packaging of the Love Edition Palette is über cute, flirty and fun! Don’t you just love?!

YSL Christmas Makeup Collection #DebsBeautyBuzz Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015.

The new Black Opium fragrance is simply gorgeous. The scent is completely different in the bottle than it is on contact with the skin. From a sweeter tone in the bottle, upon wearing, it takes on a fresher, darker note courtesy of the addition of coffee. Yep, coffee! Best not replace it for your Starbucks though eh…?!

The YSL Youth Liberator Serum. I have heard unreal things about this entire skincare line especially the serum – and it comes highly recommended to me, so might be one to try out guys. I know it’s on my list!

YSL Youth Liberator and Black Opium perfume. #DebsBeautyBuzz Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015.


The Kissing Station?!

Too Faced Cosmetics Melted Lipstick Kissing Station at Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015

TooFaced Cosmetics surprised guests with a super cute Kissing Station at the event.

Guests were invited to pick a colour shade from the Melted Lipstick range and kiss a piece of card which was then framed as a memento from the event.
A genius marketing move…and I loved it!

Too Faced Cosmetics Melted Lipstick Kissing Station at Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015

Urban Decay: Vice 4 Palette:

The palettes from Urban Decay have legendary status amongst makeup lovers with everyone having an opinion and a favourite Naked palette, mine being the original Naked (although the smoky looks wicked).

The next palette release from Urban Decay is part of the Vice series and is the Vice 4 palette which when swatched reveals beautiful shades that I didn’t think would be very wearable but are in fact incredible and will suit all eye colours! An example of this, is the bottom two on the left, I loved these two mixed when I swatched them on the night!

As always with an Urban Decay release, there’s huge excitement surrounding this palette. Icing on the cake? There’s not long to wait guys as this beaut is available from TOMORROW, 28th October 2015.

Urban Decay VICE 4 Palette #DebsBeautyBuzz Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015

Vita Liberata:

This brand needs no introduction to those who are die hard lovers of fake tan. However, this new product is the talk of the beauty town and you need to know about it!

Trystal Bronzer by Vita Liberata:

The Claim:

A bronzer that gradually tans your face, as you use it?! Whaaat?

You heard right!

This mineral bronzer adds coverage, warmth and everything a regular bronzer will do but this new technology that claims to gradually tan the skin, has me intrigued and as a bronzer fiend, I need to get my hands on this and try it out, a.s.a.p! Can you tell I’m excited about this product? The possibilities…

#DebsBeautyBuzz Vita Liberata: Trystal Bronzer Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015.

#DebsBeautyBuzz Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015.

#DebsBeautyBuzz Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015.

#DebsBeautyBuzz Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015.

#DebsBeautyBuzz Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015.

#DebsBeautyBuzz Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015.





24 Days of Happiness from The Body Shop? Yes please!

This “Countdown to Christmas” box-set would make a fabulous gift for lovers of The Body Shop or an introductory gift to this brand, especially for a work Kris Kindle (price permitting) as the recipient can actually countdown to Christmas each day!

The Body Shop Christmas Set 24 Days of Happiness. #DebsBeautyBuzz Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015.


GlamGlow at #DebsBeautyBuzz Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015

Marc Jacobs – Decadence perfume for Women:

Let’s just take a moment to appreciate the design of this latest fragrance offering from Marc Jacobs?! A handbag for your handbag ladies! Swoon!

Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015. Marc Jacobs Decadence Perfume for Women

Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015. Marc Jacobs Decadence Perfume for Women

#DebsBeautyBuzz Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015

#DebsBeautyBuzz Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview 2015 - Blogger and Beauty Writer Gail O'Connor with Bloggers Grace Mongey and Rosie Connolly
With fellow bloggers Grace Mongey and Rosie Connolly at the Debenhams Beauty Christmas Press Preview event.

Tell me guys, has anything taken your fancy and made it onto your Christmas list? Let me know in the comments! I literally coveted everything…Debenhams does it again!

Massive thanks to Emma Cunningham for the invitation, the entire Debenhams team and all of the individual brand reps that were so informative on the night!

I hope you enjoyed this little beauty babble and thanks for stopping by guys!

Gail. Xx
Photography: © Gail O’Connor.