FASHION ALERT! Get Exercise Ready with the Fitness Collection from Penneys!

Penneys New Fitness Collection 2016


It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new year – are you feeling good?

Here’s a little taster of what’s to come from Penneys (Primark) Fitness Collection in the next few weeks of 2016!

Fitness is at the foremost of most of our minds right now with most of us having splurged over the Christmas having that extra helping of Christmas dinner or one too many sausage rolls before returning to our spot on the couch. This coupled with all the “new year, new me” mantras/resolutions floating around and health and fitness programmes such as Operation Transformation starting this week, it’s time to get the trainers back on and slip back into the gym gear!

Get Fit Without Compromising on Style!

Penneys are leading the way on the high street with stylish, budget friendly pieces that are hitting stores now and are breathable and hi-tech. This pleases me greatly. Why? Oh come on, let’s face it, looking good in the style stakes whilst getting fit is half the battle right? Okay, okay, maybe it’s not half the battle, but it sure helps motivate this gal to take those first steps, lunges or burpees…ah burpees you old foe.


With that said, whilst some of us may wholeheartedly indulge ourselves in a new “fitness wardrobe”(I know I can’t be the only one) every now and then, (shopping is a sport right?), others may want to ease into this fitness game a little more slowly and purchase a few select items. Either way Penneys are hard to beat with prices starting from as little as: €4 for a crop top, vests at €6, leggings at €9, Outerwear at €14 and runners at €14!

A Look at The Collection:





From cute leggings and performance jackets to sports tops, sports bras, slogan tees and vests, Penneys have an array of fitness focused offerings to tempt anyone into sporting them! Monochrome, brights, solid colours and print all mix and match seamlessly, allowing us to personalise the collection to what suits us. Colour blocking? Check. Mixing prints? Check. Check.

Stand out from the workout crowd: with the latest Active Wear range – emblazoned with bold, luminous brights.

For the Design Lover: tie-dye prints, mesh overlay and shattered pixel prints give the range a sports luxe feel.

Black remains consistent, accenting the fashion-forward, high energy pieces.

Inspirational and fun quotes like; “Start with Believe” and “Gym Hair, Dont Care” abound in the collection, aiming to keep our spirits and motivation up well past February, the month of the notorious “fitness slump.”

What do you think of the collection so far? Are you loving the bold, bright neons or maybe you’re a tie-dye fan? Let me know! Tweet me: @DublinGail or Tag me on Instagram: @littlegforce

Me? I love a lot in the collection (I’m a die-hard neon fan) and also have my eye on the likes of the tie-dye white and blue leggings (picture at top of page). I like a bit of surfer/preppy style whilst I work out and these beauts will serve the surfer girl in me well! #californiadreaming

The Accessories:

Dumbells, Yoga mats, Gym Balls amongst other accessories are available from the collection so no matter what you’re circumstances, working from home, long day at the office, dismal weather – these Fitness Accessories are perfect for getting in an extra gym session or fitting in some exercise after a long day.

Whatever you’re into, be it pounding the pavements, Yoga, Cross-Fit, or a gym bunny, Penneys have fab finds, for the male and female fitness fanatics amongst us and for those of us who think we are…well at least until February!

Fitness Journey?

I want to wish you the best of luck if you’re on a fitness journey guys!
I’m on one myself the last year which I’ve done pretty well on (despite some personal, uncontrollable setbacks) and I hope to stay focused and reach my goals, I’ve set for this year! #werkit #LikeABoss

Remember: we have to work at our personal fitness and health. We make time, schedule it in, because if we don’t make the sacrifice and dedicate the time actually putting in the effort, there will be no results! Let’s keep taking those steps and #hustle.

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog guys! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year 2016! I hope you like this fitness related post and a glimpse at the new Penneys (Primark) range of Fitness and Sports wear. 

Until next time – I’ll love ya & leave ya!

Gail. Xx

Images: © Primark.

Motivational quote: Pinterest.